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Seminarium z Magnetyzmu i Nadprzewodnictwa Hybrydowo

Altermagnetism: from the non-relativistic spin-splitting to the staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

27-03-2024 10:00 - 11:00
Institute of Physics PAS, Room 203, Building I
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Dr hab. Carmine Autieri, prof. IFPAN
International Research Centre MagTop, Instytut Fizyki PAN

To view the recording of the talk, please contact Prof. Andrzej Szewczyk: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Kramers’ degeneracy was born in the field of spectroscopy for systems with time-reversal symmetry. Under the additional condition of the inversion symmetry was applied also to the field of the solid-state physics for non-magnetic systems. Recently, it was shown that the extension of the Kramers’degeneracy to the antiferromagnetic systems has some limitations. Without spin-orbit coupling, some antiferromagnets does not present Kramers’degeneracy but a large non-relativistic spin-splitting due to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry. This antiferromagnetism without Kramers degeneracy was named altermagnetism. Altermagnetic compounds behave as conventional antiferromagnets in the real space and as ferromagnets in the k-space paving the way for new technological applications [1,2].

The presence of the altermagnetic phase strongly depends on the magnetic space group[3,4]. We investigate the altermagnetic properties of strongly-correlated transition metal oxides analyzing the Mott insulators Ca2RuO4 and YVO3. In both cases, the orbital physics is extremely relevant in the t2g subsector with the presence of an orbital-selective Mott physics in the first case and of a robust orbital-order in the second case [5]. I will briefly mention how the nonsymmorphic[6] symmetries and the dimensionality[7] affect the properties of the altermagnetic phase.

 Including the spin-orbit coupling, we study the effect of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) in centrosymmetric and noncentrosymmetric altermagnets. Once time-reversal symmetry is broken in altermagnets, the DMI can produce weak ferromagnetism or weak ferrimagnetism from a purely relativistic effect[8]. The DMI that generated weak ferromagnetism in altermagnets has a staggered structure and the DMI can be enhanced by adapting to the staggered geometry the same strategies used to increase DMI in ferromagnetic multilayers[9]. The weak ferromagnetism from a purely relativistic effect is a property exclusively of the altermagnets that is not found in either ferromagnets or conventional antiferromagnets.[8]

  1. L. Šmejkal, J. Sinova, and T. Jungwirth, Phys. Rev. X 12, 040501(2022)
  2. C. Autieri, Nature 626, 482 (2024)
  3. G. Cuono, R. M. Sattigeri, C. Autieri, T. Dietl, Phys. Rev. B 108, 075150 (2023)
  4. M. J. Grzybowski, C. Autieri et al., Accepted in Nanoscale arXiv:2309.06422
  5. G. Cuono, R. M. Sattigeri, J. Skolimowski, C. Autieri J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 586, 171163, (2023)
  6. A. Fakhredine, R. Sattigeri, G. Cuono, C. Autieri, Phys.Rev. B 108, 115138 (2023)
  7. R. M. Sattigeri, G. Cuono, C. Autieri, Nanoscale, 15, 16998 (2023)
  8. C. Autieri et al. Submitted to PRB (2024)
  9. A. Fakhredine, A. Wawro and C. Autieri J. Appl. Phys. 135, 035303 (2024)

The seminar will be given in English on-site in room 203 and the ZOOM transmission will be available too.

Zoom information.


List of Dates (Page event details)

  • 27-03-2024 10:00 - 11:00
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