Ułatwienia dostępu
PhD Students and Employees of the Institute of Physics PAS have access to private healthcare (packages available at IP PAS and detailed informations)
National Healt Care:
Emergency Numbers: 112 and 999
112-unified European emergency number available everywhere in the EU, free of charge
In a life-threatening or health-threatening situation, one can get help by calling the emergency number 112. By calling this number, you can call the ambulance, police or fire brigade.
999 is the direct number to call an ambulance.
There are Emergency Departments (SOR-Szpitalny Oddział Ratunkowy, in Polish language) in different hospitals.
Help is provided to patients in a state of emergency.
The nearest department to the Institute is Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA in Warsaw, Wołoska street 137, 02-507 Warsaw.