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Sty 18, 2023

One-day trip to Nieborów and Żelazowa Wola

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, another interaction trip took place. This time the participants of the trip visited Nieborów and Żelazowa Wola. Walking along the paths of the charming park in Nieborów, everyone admired the beautiful autumn nature. The shared meal was a good opportunity to talk and get to know people better, not only from your department. Another sightseeing point was the Birthplace of Fryderyk Chopin in Żelazowa Wola. In addition to an interesting story about the life and work of the outstanding composer, hikers listened to a spontaneous concert.

Sty 18, 2023

One-day trip to Toruń

A trip to the city of Copernicus could not be missing. During the one-day trip on September 17, 2022, participants had the opportunity to visit Toruń. An interesting place to visit was the Planetarium - the Space Popularization Center in Toruń. After the Planetarium, the group explored the city together with an English-speaking guide, who talked passionately about Toruń and its most prominent and famous person - Nicolaus Copernicus. Another interesting point of the program was visiting the Living Gingerbread Museum. The trip participants could learn more about the famous Toruń gingerbread ...

Sty 18, 2023

Visit to the Warsaw Uprising Museum

On August 2, 2021, the first group trip took place.  It is important to share knowledge about the history of Poland, especially Warsaw, which is now home to Doctoral Students and Employees of the Institute of Physics. The first trip was an opportunity to learn more about the history of the Warsaw Uprising and to spend time together outside the walls of the Institute. The trip participants listened with great interest to the guides' stories about the Warsaw Uprising.

Lip 28, 2022

One-day trip to Puławy and Kazimierz Dolny

The one-day trip in July 2022 became another opportunity to get to know Poland better and to integrate among the participants of the trip. The first point of the trip was visiting the Czartoryski Museum in Puławy and a walk in the beautiful park next to the historical palace. The guide spent the whole day with the group so people could learn a lot about this region. In Kazimierz Dolny the group walked along the streets of a charming town, climbed the top of the Three Crosses Hill and visited a unique natural place - Root Ravine Down (Korzeniowy Doł).

Maj 30, 2022

One-day trip to Sierpc and Płock

Another integration trip took place in May 2022. First, the group visited the Museum of the Mazovian Countryside in Sierpc. In this unique place, one could walk the streets of the old Polish village and learn about everyday life in Mazovia region a hundred years ago. It was a great opportunity to get to know Polish traditions and to get in touch with nature during a walk in the open-air museum. The trip was planned in such a way that it was possible to visit more than one place. After open-air museum in Sierpc, the group visited the city of Płock. The English-speaking guide showed the grou...

Paź 18, 2021

Excursion to the Powązki Cemetery

In November 2021, a trip to the Powązki cemetery in Warsaw took place. The guide who works at the Stare Powązki Foundation talked about this historic place in a very interesting way. Trip participants had the opportunity to hear about outstanding people buried in this cemetery. For some people it was the first opportunity to learn about Polish traditions related to death, burial and about an important place on the map of Warsaw.
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