Ułatwienia dostępu

Charge dopants control quantum spin Hall materials
Destructive role of acceptors occupied by holes in the quantum spin Hall effect regime. Two backscattering processes between helical states are allowed in the presence of electron-hole exchange and spin-orbit interaction: (1) spin-conserving and (2) spin non-conserving.

Unlike in the quantum Hall effect and quantum anomalous Hall effect, the quantization precision in the quantum spin Hall effect depends on unavoidable background impurities and defects. However, doping with magnetic ions restores the quantization accuracy.

Semiconductors' sensitivity to electrostatic gating and doping accounts for their widespread use in information communication and new energy technologies. In the two companion papers, Tomasz Dietl, inspired by experimental data accumulated in Wuerzburg and Warsaw, demonstrates quantitatively and with no adjustable parameters that the presence of paramagnetic acceptor dopants elucidates a variety of hitherto puzzling properties of two-dimensional topological semiconductors at the topological phase transition and in the regime of the quantum spin Hall effect.

The concepts of resonant states, charge correlation, Coulomb gap, exchange interaction between conducting electrons and holes localized on acceptors, strong coupling limit of the Kondo effect, the Luttinger correlations, and bound magnetic polaron explain a short topological protection length, high hole mobilities compared with electron mobilities, and different temperature dependence of the spin Hall resistance in HgTe and (Hg,Mn)Te quantum wells. A new concept of precessional dephasing of a carrier spin by a dense bath of localized spins is put forward.


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Osadzanie magnetycznych powłok o unikalnej strukturze na nanodrutach InAs i InAs1−xSbx

Otrzymane struktury mogą służyć jako platforma dla otrzymania stanów jednowymiarowych ze złamaną symetrią odwrócenia w czasie, w tym także stanów nadprzewodnictwa topologicznego.

An artificial polariton neuron as a step towards photonic systems that mimic the operation of the human brain

Scientists from the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw used photons to create a spiking neuron, i.e. the basic element of the future photonic neural network processor.

The optical Stern-Gerlach Deflection and Young’s experiment in the reciprocal space

Scientists for the first time demonstrated Young's experiment for photons in the reciprocal space.
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