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Electrical conductivity is the prime example of (typically linear-response) transport coefficient which can be either measured or calculated within one of quantum mechanical frameworks used to treat solid state systems. This lecture will begin by mentioning other types of transport (apart from charge) and then various types of magnetoresistances will be discussed as a motivation for the lesson core: theoretical approaches to charge transport in conducting crystals and simple electronic devices (i.e. multilayers exhibiting for example giant magnetoresistance will be excluded). To put these in some useful context, we will discuss examples of metals and semiconductors. At the end, anomalous Hall effect in MnTe (a specific antiferromagnetic semiconductor) will be briefly described to demonstrate the benefit of theory in interpreting experimental findings.
This event is supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, grant no. BPI/STE/2021/1/00034/U/00001
Duration of the lecture: 45 min + question time
All Warsaw-4-Phd students (and others) very welcome!