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Declaration of accessibility

 Available declarations

Digital accessibility

The Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the "Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities", in particular, the website design of the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences is based on the international WCAG 2.1 guidelines(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1.), which define the principles of designing websites to be accessible to everyone - regardless of their disability, age, hardware or software they use.The accessibility statement applies to the website of the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the URL address

  • Date of publication of the current website: September 2022
  • Date of last significant update: January 2023
  • The declaration was made on: 2020-09-18
  • The declaration was last reviewed and updated on: 2023-05-30

Status in terms of compliance with the Act

The website is partially compliant with the Law on Digital Accessibility of Public Entities' Websites and Mobile Applications due to incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.

Unavailable Content

  • Movies and live broadcasts do not have audiodescription.
  • PDF, DOC files, etc. - editors try to minimize the use of such files and embed texts directly into the site. A separate issue is the correct formatting of files so that they are accessible (e.g., they should have a tag structure, or tagging).
  • The site contains PDF documents that were created from poorly prepared word documents (there is no well-marked logical structure in them) - or are scans of documents.
  • To the extent possible, we will correct this, and make efforts to ensure that new documents are prepared correctly.
  • PDF documents that are not readable by screen readers can be recognized by users with the OCR tool.


  • Section contains PDF documents
  • Intranet

Detailed information about the service

  • The site has convenient navigation to facilitate viewing of content through the visually impaired and deaf,
  • possible change of font size,
  • correct contrast used,
  • consistent navigation - consistent and logical,
  • page titles properly implemented throughout the site, each page has its own title created based on one established template,
  • headings correctly implemented in the home page and subpages,
  • links correctly implemented throughout the site,
  • focus and tabindex - properly implemented, each navigation element has a clear border on active page elements and Tab key navigation is logical,
  • keyboard traps - excluded,
  • all information contained in the site is edited in an understandable and readable manner,
  • graphic elements and photos have the so-called alt attribute filled in, which includes descriptions that can be read by screen readers, i.e. applications used by blind and visually impaired people.

Keyboard shortcuts


  1. Science
  2. Education
  3. Seminars
  4. Institute
  5. Intranet

Use of shortcuts:

Opera (version < 12.1):
- Shift + Esc + hotkey

Chrome / Opera (version > 15):
- Shift + Alt + hotkey (except for the numbers)
- Alt + hotkey (numbers)

- Shift + Alt + hotkey

Internet Explorer:
- Alt + access key, confirm the selection with the ENTER key

Feedback and contact details

If there are problems with accessing the content found on the Institute's website, any interested party can submit their objections and comments. In this way, it is also possible to submit requests for information whose reception was hindered by the way it was presented, for example, by reading a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a film without audiodescription, etc. In accordance with Article 7 of the Law, the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences declares that in the event that it is unable to ensure the digital accessibility of an element of the website or mobile application, it will provide an alternative way of accessing this element. Requests should be addressed to:
  • Paweł Głód
    Instytutu Fizyki PAN
    Al. Lotników 32/46
    02-668 Warszawa
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Telefon: +48 22 116 2211

The application must contain:

  • contact information of the submitter,
  • indication of the page or element of the page to which the notification relates,
  • indication of a convenient form of release of information, if the notification concerns release in an alternative form of information not available,
  • method of contact.

Consideration of the application should be carried out immediately, no later than within 7 days from the date of its submission. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the person of interest will be informed of the deadline for processing the application, but the deadline cannot be longer than 2 months from the date of the application. If it is not possible to provide digital accessibility, the Institute will propose an alternative way to access the information.

Complaints and appeals

You can complain about the failure to meet the aforementioned deadlines and about the refusal to implement the application by mail or e-mail to the following address:

  • Dyrektor Instytutu Fizyki PAN
    Al. Lotników 32/46
    02-668 Warszawa
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

After exhausting the procedure indicated above, you can also file a complaint with the Ombudsman (

Architectural accessibility

General information on access to the Institute's premises

  • Entrance to the main building is possible through a pedestrian gate (passage width of 97 cm) open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Entry to the parking lot and internal area of the Institute of Physics is possible through three entrance gates, two of which have a barrier opened by remote control and one operated by a porter leading to the internal parking lots.
  • The main entrance of Building I from AL. Lotników are led from the parking lot by an external staircase, a door with a width of 90 cm (after opening an additional door leaf - 144 cm) and then a staircase inside the building - the main entrance is not suitable for people with reduced mobility (no platforms or elevator suitable for people in wheelchairs).
  • In front of the main building, there are two parking spaces for people with disabilities who have no limitations when climbing stairs on their own. The parking lot is entered from Al. Lotników Street from two sides through a barrier, and there is no charge for disabled parking.
  • There are designated parking spaces for persons with reduced mobility in the internal area - a map showing the location of the various buildings and internal roads along with the parking spaces in the area is attached hereto (gate No. 3 is operated by a doorman until 6 pm - the doorman provides the person with a location plan and indicates the parking space designated for persons with disabilities).
  • The entrance to the main building No. I from the inner area is through a wing door of 78 cm (after opening an additional door leaf - 160 cm).
  • Assistance is also provided for people with disabilities who wish to enter the Institute's premises directly in wheelchairs through gate No. 3. These people can use the assistance of a porter to take the designated route to get to the planned location.
  • Persons with mobility limitations may use the assistance of porters on 24-hour duty at the facility after calling 22 116 22 22.
  • The gatehouse is located to the right of the main entrance in the main building. Access to the locker room and the restroom for the disabled is possible after collecting an access control card from the doorman.
  • Office rooms and laboratories are located on the basement, ground and first floor levels. Information about the layout of rooms in the Institute's buildings is provided upon request by the doorman on duty.
  • Inside the building there are no obstacles, constituting a restriction on free movement. Communication spaces of the Institute's building are free of horizontal and vertical barriers. Horizontal communication is carried out through corridors 190 to 210 cm wide, located on one level, vertical communication is possible through stairs and an elevator, adapted for people in wheelchairs.

Information on moving around the Institute

  • Entrances to all buildings and passageways between zones in the buildings are opened using Access Control System cards, which are issued for visitors by doormen (at the main gatehouse and for disabled persons also at the entrance gatehouse located at gate 3). Card readers are mounted at a height of 125 cm.
  • To the main building No. I in which are located:
    - First floor - canteen and auditorium and lecture halls,
    - 1st floor - the Registry, Human Resources and Payroll Department, the Procurement Department and the Finance and Accounting Department,
    - Second floor - Secretariat and Director's office, offices of Deputy Directors, Chief Accountant, Secretariat of the Doctoral School, conference room,
    - Third floor - Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
    - 4th floor - Library of the IF PAN,
    a person in a wheelchair will enter the building directly from the inner area, where he or she can also use the disabled parking space located at the entrance. A person with a disability can obtain a visitor's card from the gatehouse porter (gate 3), who simultaneously informs the main gatehouse that a person with a disability has arrived in order to be taken over for care and assistance by a designated person or waiting staff/guest. It is possible to move from Building I to Buildings II and III via barrier-free corridors and to move between floors using elevators adapted for people with disabilities (elevators are located in Buildings I and III and have a voice notification system). Building I is four-story, buildings II and III are two-story. There is a handicapped toilet at the first floor entrance in building No. II. There are no toilets for the disabled in buildings I and III.
  • Persons in wheelchairs can get to buildings No. VIII, IX, X located on the premises of the IF PAN through the main entrances to the buildings with no difference in level, or through the rear entrance via a ramp (there is no railing outside) to the elevator, which is adapted for the transport of the disabled (the elevator has a voice announcement system, to enter the elevator it is necessary to use an access card - an access card can be obtained from the porter at the entrance gate No. 3). The buildings are two-story. There are no toilets for the disabled in the buildings.
  • In Building XI where the guest room department is located there is a ramp for wheelchairs, but there are no wheelchair-accessible living rooms and toilets in the building.
  • In Building XV, there are obstacles that are a restriction on the movement of people with disabilities in wheelchairs due to differences in levels.
  • Workstations for people with disabilities must be located on the first floor in the closest possible room to the evacuation door. Functional persons on evacuation must assist in the evacuation of a person with restricted movement and wheelchair users.

Additional information

  • There is no sign language interpreter in the building, nor is it possible to use an online interpreter service.
  • You can enter the grounds and buildings with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
  • The building does not have signage in Braille or contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and visually impaired.
  • Link to a virtual tour of selected parts of the Institute:
  • Link to map of how to get to IF PAN:

Institute's site plan

Plan terenu Instytutu
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