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Professor Tomasz Dietl elected the new chairman of the NCN Council


Professor Dietl joined the NCN Council in March 2023. At the inaugural meeting of the Council, which took place in its new composition on Friday, December 20, for the first time in Warsaw, at the seat of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Prof. Dietl was unanimously elected as its chairman. He is the seventh head of the NCN Council.

Professor Dietl is a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and Academia Europea. He served on the Scientific Council and the Steering Committee of the European Research Council during its 2011-2014 term. He is also the recipient of the European Physical Society Agilent Europhysics Prize (2005) and the Foundation for Polish Science Prize (2006) for developing the theory of dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors, confirmed in recent years, and demonstrating new methods of magnetization control. In 2008, he won an ERC Advanced Grant. His pioneering research on ferromagnetic semiconductors and methods for controlling magnetic ordering and quantum localization of carriers paved the way for a new field of science: semiconductor spintronics


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