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We are glad to inform that by a decision of the President of Poland dated May 15 2024, Yaroslav A. Zhydachevskyy, a professor at our institute, and a head of the Group of High-Pressure Spectroscopy was conferred the title of Professor of Natural Sciences in Physics. He joined the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2010.
Yaroslav A. Zhydachevskyy graduated and got the M.Sc. degree in the Electronic Techniques in Lviv Polytechnic National University in Ukraine in 1998. He received the Ph.D. degree in physics of semiconductors anddielectrics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine in 2003and D.Sc. degree in solid-state physics from Lviv Polytechnic NationalUniversity in 2016. His research interests include the optical andthermoactivation spectroscopy of point defects, transition metal and rareearth ions in complex oxide crystals, energy and charge transfer processesbetween point defects and activator ions in the crystals and photochromicproperties of the crystals. He's also interested in optical andluminescent properties of novel solid-state laser, new scintillator andphosphor materials, and thermally and optically stimulated luminescencefor radiation dosimetry.
We congratulate newly appointed professor his nomination and we wish him afruitful work!