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The computational research conducted by Dr Rejmak at our institute elucidated many structural and spectroscopic properties of applied aluminosilicates, such as cements, zeolites, and ultramarine pigments.
Dr Vu’s doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Mai Suan Li addressed the problem of protein ejection and protein folding in the presence of the ribosome. The results make valuable interdisciplinary contributions to gaining a comprehensive understanding of protein behavior during their early stages of existence.
In this single-author publication in the top physics journal Physical Review Letters, prof. Tomasz Dietl , inspired by experimental data accumulated in Wuerzburg and Warsaw, demonstrated quantitatively and with no adjustable parameters that the presence of paramagnetic acceptor dopants elucidates a variety of hitherto puzzling properties of two-dimensional topological semiconductors at the topological phase transition and in the regime of the quantum spin Hall effect.