Coporate Profiles


The method and the parameters are described in our papers:

M. Chwastyk, M. Jaskolski, M. Cieplak, Structure-based thermodynamic and mechanical stability of plant PR-10 proteins with cavities.
FEBS J. 281: 416-429 (2014) (see

M. Chwastyk, M. Jaskolski, M. Cieplak, The volume of cavities in proteins and virus capsids.
Proteins. 84(9): 1275-1286 (2016) (see

To start the calculations, you should provide adequate parameters. Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required. We can check your parameters before the start of the calculations, but it may take some time. If you wish that, just mark the box "Please check my parameters". We recommend to use the default parameters, except that the number of rotations, which should be increased for more accurate results. 100 rotations is very accurate. You should copy and paste the PDB file of your structure into the window provided. It is important to keep the standard PDB format. The results will be sent to your e-mail address. You can contact us directly using the e-mail address or by filling the contact window.

evaluation of protein cavities

Probe radius:
Å (*)
Grid in the x direction:
Å (*)
Grid in the y direction:
Å (*)
Grid in the z direction:
Å (*)
Number of rotations:

If the structure file contains nucleotides,
should they be taken into account?

E-mail: (*)

Please check my parameters

Paste the PDB file below:

or upload the PDB file from drive:

You can write here any comments, suggestions or problems. This field is also to contact with us.


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results of the survey of structures deposited in Protein Data Bank

Protein ID :